We’d be happy to discuss bar service for your next event. Keep in mind, we only provide bar services for events we’re already catering after a catering contract is in place..
We offer what is called a “Hosted Bar.”
You provide the beer, wine and liquor, we do the rest. We provide everything else needed for the bar, including non-alcoholic beverages. There are a few different options for hosted bars such as which type of bar you want and how many bar-tenders you need. Bar contract budgets are made up bar-tender fees, bar stock prices (this is a per person price and covers non-alcoholic drinks, mixers, ice, cups, garnishes are other items for your bar. Bar stock fees vary between $5.75 and $8.75/person) and contracted gratuity.
Each bar service agreement is customized so it is best to have a conversation with us. The maximum time for an open bar is four hours. The minimum time is three hours.